Search results for "irreversible" | Sex Change Regret For those who want to return back Thu, 20 Apr 2023 16:56:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Search results for "irreversible" | Sex Change Regret 32 32 Under the Radar, the Detransitioner Movement Is Surging Wed, 11 Jan 2023 17:43:53 +0000 Dan Hart, December 14, 2022, The Washington Stand

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…thousands of young women and men who once identified as the opposite sex — many of whom attempted a “gender transition” by ingested drugs and undergoing elaborate surgical procedures to impersonate the opposite sex — are now rejecting the transgender identity and are once again embracing their natural sex.

As reported by The Post Millennial, new studies are showing that the rate of individuals who detransition away from a trans identity is occurring at paces that far exceed what the legacy media is reporting. At the Re/Detrans Canada event held at York University in Ontario last month, researchers presented a number of studies that showed detransition rates ranging from 2% to almost 30%. Three other studies from England show rates between 6.9% and 9.8%. Another yet to be published study of 774 young Canadians and Americans revealed that 16% had halted gender transition treatments, citing “health concerns, change in identity, and cost.”

These rates contrast sharply with the “less than 1%” rate that is constantly trotted out by transgender activists and the media. As noted by The Post Millennial, other cultural indicators also point to a swelling detransitioner movement. Reddit, an online discussion forum that in early 2022 was the 9th-most-visited website in the world, has a “Detrans” chatroom (or “Subreddit”) which currently has over 40,000 members.

Online accounts and testimonies of young women and men who have detransitioned from pursuing a gender transition opposite from their biological sex have exploded in the last five years, and distinct similarities are emerging from among many of these testimonies. While the causes for gender dysphoria are often complex and multifaceted, cultural and institutional influences beholden to a pro-transgender ideology have become primary contributors to the confusion over biological sex that is occurring among thousands of adolescents.

Here is a sampling of 20 testimonies from among the hundreds of detransitioners who have publicly shared their stories. The power that social media has to shape the minds of young people who have experienced abuse and are looking for affirmation is readily apparent in these accounts, along with the potent influence that medical and psychiatric professionals have in pushing their young patients down a path of gender transition drugs and surgical procedures that often create irreversible physiological harm.

Continued at The Washington Stand — Read full story at

Prisha Mosley: “I Lost My Voice, I Lost My Chest, I Don’t Know If I’m Going To Be Able To Have Kids” Sat, 10 Dec 2022 02:18:07 +0000 Read original story at RedVoiceMedia October 2022

Prisha Mosley is a 24-year-old woman out of Big Rapids, Michigan, who fell victim to being swept up into the radical transgender ideology when she was only 15 years old. Harboring a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD), Mosley was guided by medical professionals who seemingly ignored the symptoms associated with BPD and was instead put on a path consisting of hormones and surgery that she now immensely regrets.

In an emotional testimony Mosley uploaded online earlier in October, she tells the camera, “I ruined my life,” shortly before providing the context behind that statement with, “I decided that I didn’t want to be a woman before I had ever even experienced what being a woman was like – because I was a child.”

Watch her video on Rumble

Detransitioning woman left ‘heartbroken’ after irreversible surgery: ‘I was manipulated’

See Prisha’s appearance on FoxNews December 9, 2022

“One of the issues I have is the lack of identity,” Mosley explained. “And on top of not having a lot of friends and having issues at home, when I found the trans community and found a new identity and was affirmed… that’s what caused me to transition.”

On “America Reports” Friday, Mosley attributed her mental health condition and manipulation from therapists and doctors for her decision to transition at such a young age. She said her parents were also manipulated into supporting the gender change.

“I was manipulated not only by my trans peers, but by my gender specialist, the person who gave me my letter of recommendation in surgery. It was all sold as like a wonderful thing,” she said. 

Watch or read the rest of the story at FoxNews


Ex-Trans Teen: ‘I Wasn’t Capable of Understanding’ Mon, 11 Jul 2022 17:45:28 +0000

Everyone needs to hear this 17-year-old’s story of transition and detransition


By Billy Hallowell, Editor, FaithWire
July 11, 2022


A teenager from California who was born female but identified as male before changing course and returning to her biological gender is speaking out about her experience — and her heartbreaking story.

Chloe Cole, 17, reportedly defended the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration’s Rule 59G-1.050 that would deny Medicaid coverage for various interventions to help transgender individuals on their journey to achieve their preferred identity.

The rule would block those on the low-income insurance from receiving hormone therapy and puberty-blocking drugs. Supporters argue there is no evidence that these procedures are safe. They also challenge the idea these services are medically necessary, the Tallahassee Democrat reported.

Cole spoke at a rowdy Friday hearing alongside the rule’s supporters and detractors, sharing her tragic story and explaining her efforts to transition to identifying as a male, which began when she was 13.

She has since reversed course and is reportedly trying to help others see the confusion she faced and the residual pain.

“I really didn’t understand all the ramifications of any of the medical decisions I was making,” she said. “I wasn’t capable of understanding.”

Cole took testosterone and puberty-blocking drugs and even had surgery to remove her breasts, telling the panel how her actions between the ages of 13 and 16 were in some ways irreversible.

She said she realized she was on a path she shouldn’t have taken but that it was too late to change some of her actions. Now, Cole wonders if she will be able to have children and struggles with the realization she won’t ever be able to breastfeed.

“I don’t know if I’ll be able to fully carry a child, and I might be at increased risk for certain cancers, mainly cervical cancer,” Cole told Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, according to footage he released on Twitter. “And because I do not have my breasts. I no longer have breasts … I am not able to breastfeed whatever future children I have.”

She continued, “That realization, actually, was one of the biggest things that led to me realizing that this was not the path that I should have taken.”

Cole encouraged parents not to transition their children, telling Fox News that kids should wait until they are adults to make such decisions. She warned of the damage transitioning can pose to the body and mind, perfectly summarizing these views in her testimony.

“No child should have to experience what I have,” Cole said.

The teen took to Twitter Sunday to encourage people who have de-transitioned to speak about their experiences.


“The best thing all of us can do is continue to speak out,” she said. “Especially to local, state, and federal government. That’s how we will beat this.”

You can watch Cole’s full testimony here. A final determination on Rule 59G-1.050 has not yet been made.

Cole is among a growing group of ex-transgender individuals who are openly revealing their experiences in hopes people understand the damaging impact transitioning has had on their lives.

There have even been reports of increases in sex-change regret, though some in the media are remiss in covering these reports. Continue to pray for Cole and others who are bravely sharing their stories.

Extracted from FaithWire.

Stunning Letter From a “Detransitioned” Woman Demanding The Medical Establishment Treat Gender Dysphoria With Science, Not Activism Thu, 06 Jan 2022 14:15:40 +0000

Sinéad Watson is a healthcare advocate for youth experiencing gender dysphoria and an advisor for the Gender Dysphoria Alliance. She describes herself on the site as “detrans” and “detransitioned” and someone who desires to work toward “balanced, evidence-based care for gender questioning youth.”

Watson’s thread is an open letter that she penned to Stanford aimed at one of the premier medical doctors in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry, Dr. Jack Turban, a chief fellow at Stanford University School of Medicine and is well known for his research on transgender youth.

Full transcript from her Twitter post:

I am writing to you on behalf of a group of detransitioned women regarding your fellow Dr Jack Turban. We are deeply concerned with Dr Turban’s disparagement of psychiatric intervention and exploratory psychotherapy, his singular endorsement of affirmative therapies for people with gender dysphoria, and his dismissive and derogatory treatment of those of us who detransitioned due to transition regret.

We are but a few of many that have been the victims of this type of cavalier attitude. We all suffered from gender dysphoria at one point (and some still do), and were led to believe that our best chance of treating our dysphoria was to medically transition. As it turned out, this was not the case. As a result, we now have to live with bodies and voices that have been irreversibly changed (in some cases damaged) by hormones and surgeries, when what we needed was a compassionate and thoughtful exploration of our gender distress through talk therapy. Some of us will now never be able to have children and many of us live with great distress and regret every day.

Not only did physicians like Dr Turban fail us by sending us down a singular path of transition, they are now letting us down once again by disparaging our experiences and even our existence, when they should be providing us with support to help us heal from our unnecessary medical transitions. The fact that Dr Turban is a psychiatrist at Stanford and uses his credentials to promote his reckless approach is especially troubling, as he has been granted a large and influential media platform. As we see more and more distressed young people following in our footsteps of a rushed medical gender transition, in a few years, we fear that the consequences of Dr Turban’s activism will be catastrophic and visible to all.

Dr Turban does not hide his disregard for the role of psychotherapy in treating gender distress, and his singular belief in medical and surgical approaches to treating gender dysphoria, whatever its cause may be. Appearing on the GenderGP Podcast episode ‘Exploring Detransition with Dr Jack Turban’ (2021), hosted by Dr Helen Webberley, a UK physician criminally-convicted for running an illegal clinic, Dr Turban says:

“There’s no psychiatric intervention for gender dysphoria. There are medical interventions for gender dysphoria, if you will. And it’s not the rule like right, how the psychiatrist’s going to treat gender dysphoria, they’re not like they’re not going to make that go away. The only way that it’s ever been proposed that psychiatry can do that was through conversion therapy, which obviously doesn’t work:”

As you will read later in this letter, many detransitioners report that they strongly wish they had received exploratory psychotherapy rather than affirmation, thus Dr Turban’s insinuation that this would be tantamount to conversion therapy is highly disturbing. Dr Turban describes detransition, in the GenderGP podcast, as having “become this really awful word. I feel like 90% of the time when you read it, it’s really being weaponized.” The claim that discussing detransition is problematic due to the topic being “weaponized” has been used to shame, bully and silence detransitioners who try to tell our stories. This bullying of a vulnerable group is unacceptable, and we find it incredibly worrying that Dr Turban would participate in the accusation that detransition is “being weaponized,” furthering the bullying of detransitioned individuals.

This is not only a matter of rhetoric. Dr Turban goes on to say, in the podcast,

“When you say detransition people usually think that means like transition regret. It brings up this idea that somebody transitioned, then realize like, oh my god, that was a huge mistake. I’m actually cisgender, I regret every domain of gender affirmation I’ve ever had. And as I’m sure you know, that’s not the reality of the situation.”

Dr Turban is, again, completely dismissing those of us who have experienced transition regret. As detransitioned woman, we are deeply hurt that Dr Turban would find it appropriate to suggest that our pain and distress is not a reality. We do, in fact, regret every domain of gender affirmation we ever had and the irreversible changes that medical transition did to us that we must now live with for the rest of our lives. It is, therefore, highly unprofessional and deeply offensive to see comments like this from a fellow at Stanford.

At the same time as Dr Turban dismisses our existence, he also claims to represent us in research, but his bias is clear: the goal is to minimize detransition because it contradicts Dr. Turban’s professional aspirations to promote transgender medical and surgical interventions. In the GenderGP podcast he also says

“We have a paper that hopefully is coming out soon, where we took the data from the 2015 US Transgender Survey. So this was a survey of over 27,000 transgender adults in the United States. And we found that of those who had transitioned in some way, don’t quote me on that exact number, but it’s something like 13% of them said that at some point in their life they had detransitioned. And when we looked at why they did that the vast majority of them like close to 90% I think had detransitioned due to some external factor.”

We bring to your attention that the 2015 USTS survey that Dr Turban repeatedly uses for his research is an online convenience survey that was promoted by transition advocacy sites. We believe in and support transgender rights and trans people, but respectfully submit that this survey, subtitled “Injustice at Every Turn” which is full of biased questions that promote a political agenda, serves as a poor base for respectable research. Dr Turban previously attempted to use this survey to claim that psychotherapy leads to suicide; his problematic analysis and conclusions were thoroughly outlined in a rebuttal by Roberto D’Angelo et al. in ‘One Size Does Not Fit All: In Support of Psychotherapy for Gender Dysphoria’ (2020) to which Dr.Turban never replied, even through he had the chance to do so. Instead, Dr Turban attacked the researchers on Twitter. Dr Turban also used the same survey to attempt to show that puberty blockers saved lives. Another rebuttal showed just how flawed that piece of research was. See ‘Puberty Blockers and Suicidality in Adolescents Suffering from Gender Dysphoria’ (2020) by Michael Biggs.

Dr Turban failed to respond to that critique in the scientific area, but did go on media circuit to promote his deeply flawed conclusions. Most recently, Dr Turban misused this problematic sample to discredit detransition experiences in his research, ‘Factors Leading to “Detransition” Among Transgender and Gender Diverse People in the United States: A Mixed-Methods Analysis’ (2021). Dr. Turban did not seem at all troubled by the fact that 100% of the respondents were transgender-identified and did not identify as detransitioners. This is an expert from his study:

“These [detransition due to internal factors] experiences did not necessarily reflect regret regarding past gender affirmation, and were presumably temporary, as all of these respondents subsequently identified as TGD, an eligibility requirement for study participation.”

Dr. Turban’s conclusions were that detransition is largely a temporary phenomenon, happens in response to external pressures, and does not really represent a problem for those who detransitioned. These conclusions are highly flawed and ignore those of us who have detransitioned due to transition regret, and who were excluded from the survey for no longer being transgender-identified. In comparison, recent detransition research conducted within the actual detransition community – (‘Detransition-Related Needs and Support: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey’ (2021) by Elie Vandenbussche) found very different results: that most of us detransition due to the internal realization that transition was not what we needed, that transition did not help and- can actually make things worse for us, and that we found other non-invasive ways to alleviate our dysphoria. Further, the research showed that detransitioners expressed the need to find alternative treatments to deal with their gender dysphoria, but reported that it was nearly impossible to talk about it within LGBT+ spaces and in the medical sphere. Vandenbussche found that most detransitioners currently are in dire need of psychological support on matters such as gender dysphoria, co-morbid conditions, feelings of regret, social/physical changes and internalized homophobic or sexist prejudices. The research confirmed that detransitionres experience prejudice when working with medical and mental health systems, which Dr. Turban’s vocal activism directly emboldens and reinforces.

We feel it important to add that in May 2021, the Karolinska Hospital in Sweden issued a new policy statement regarding the treatment of gender-dysphoric minors. This policy has ended the practice of prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to gender-dysphoric patients under the age of 18. Finland also revised its treatment guidelines in June 2020, prioritizing psychological interventions and support over medical interventions. Major changes are also underway in the UK as the NHS has convened a Cass Review to examine the practice of transition for young people and the evidence that underlies it. Thus, it seems evident that there is a growing concern over the proliferation of medical interventions that have a low certainty of benefits, while carrying a significant potential for severe medical harm.

It is worrying that Dr Turban does not seem to demonstrate the professional curiosity to rethink his endorsement of medical transition for minors and his dismay at psychotherapy and its role in the care of gender dysphoric individuals of all ages. We are also very concerned by Dr Turban’s activism to suppress the debate on the proper care for gender dysphoria in the public arena. On May 25, 2021, Dr Turban tweeted the following:

“When I spoke with @60Minutesabout their “detransition” story and asked where they found the people to profile – they refused to tell me and became defensive. We still don’t know if they searched for people on TERF forums, and transparency would be appreciated.”

We bring to your attention that TERF (acronym for “trans-exclusionary radical feminist”) is a pejorative term, and that Dr Turban’s use of it to smear and dismiss the experiences of the detransitioners who appeared on 60 Minutes is incredibly hurtful. That a fellow at Stanford would criticise 60 Minutes for having a brief segment featuring detransitioners has many of us very concerned that, should one of his patients experience transition regret and subsequently decide to detransition, Dr Turban would be unfit to help them due to his hostility towards the subject. Therefore we are concerned with how Dr Turban may practice as a clinician, specifically how he may treat a transgender person struggling with regret or a detransitioner seeking to discuss their regret or reverse their transition. His comments on the GenderGP podcast, his flawed use of the USTS, and his hostility towards any discussion of transition regret are all highly problematic and in need of addressing.

We ask Stanford to speak out for more thoughtful approaches because as it stands now, Stanford appears to be silently endorsing Dr Turban’s harmful claims that exploratory psychotherapy is tantamount to conversion therapy and that hormones and surgeries are the only appropriate treatment for people with gender dysphoria. Detransitioners and transition regret exist.


Gender Ideology Run Amok Wed, 08 Sep 2021 18:08:25 +0000

Imprimis, June/July 2021 • Volume 50, Number 6/7

By Abigail Shrier (Author, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters)

The following is adapted from a speech delivered on April 27, 2021, in Franklin, Tennessee, at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar.

Reprinted from

In 2007, America had one pediatric gender clinic; today there are hundreds. Testosterone is readily available to adolescents from places like Planned Parenthood and Kaiser, often on a first visit—without even a therapist’s note.

How did we get to this point? How is it that we are all supposed to pretend that the only way you can know I’m a woman is if I tell you my pronouns? How did we get to an America in which a 13-year-old in the State of Washington can begin “gender affirming” therapy without her parents’ consent? How did we get to an America in which a 15-year-old in Oregon can undergo “top surgery”—elective double mastectomy—without her parents’ permission? And what can we do about it?


To understand how we got to this point, it is useful to begin by considering gender dysphoria—the feeling of severe discomfort in a person’s biological sex. Gender dysphoria is certainly real. It is also exceedingly rare. It afflicts about 0.01 percent of the population, most of whom are male.

For nearly 100 years of diagnostic history, gender dysphoria typically began in early childhood, between the ages of two and four, and usually involved a boy who insisted that he was not a boy but a girl. Children afflicted are insistent, consistent, and persistent in the feeling that they are in the wrong body. It is by all accounts excruciating—I’ve talked to many transgender adults, most of them biological males, who describe the relentless chafe of a body that feels all wrong.

Historically, this has been the classic presentation of gender dysphoria. When these children were left alone—when no one intervened medically or encouraged what we today call “social transition”—over 70 percent of them naturally outgrew their gender dysphoria. Most of those who outgrew it became gay men. Those who did not outgrow it became what used to be known as transsexuals. They did not believe they were women, but they felt most comfortable presenting themselves as females.

Today, however, we don’t leave these children alone. Instead, the moment children seem not to be perfectly feminine or perfectly masculine, we label them as “trans kids.” Teachers encourage them to reintroduce themselves to their classes with new names and new pronouns. We take them to therapists or doctors, nearly all of whom practice so-called affirmative care—meaning they think it is their job to affirm the diagnosis of gender dysphoria and help the children medically transition.

The typical first step in treatment administered to these kids is puberty blockers, which shut down the part of the pituitary gland that directs the release of hormones catalyzing puberty. The most common of these drugs is Lupron, whose original purpose was the chemical castration of sex offenders. To this day, the FDA has never approved this drug for halting healthy puberty.

One has to wonder why a parent or a doctor would take measures to stop a child’s puberty, given that even a child with genuine gender dysphoria would most likely outgrow that condition if left alone. Some argue that it is traumatizing to let children go through the puberty of the sex to which they do not wish to belong. But in many cases, puberty seems to have helped children overcome gender dysphoria. The truth is that there is no satisfying answer, given that scientists have no way of predicting which children will outgrow the dysphoria on their own and which won’t.

Proponents of “affirmative care” also argue that allowing puberty to occur is dangerous, because suicide rates for trans-identified youth and trans adults are very high. Therefore, they say, we need to start treating children with gender dysphoria as soon and as dramatically as possible.

Yet there are no good long-term studies indicating that puberty blockers cure suicidality or even improve mental health. Nor are there studies that show puberty blockers are safe or reversible when used in this manner.

What we do know is that puberty blockers prevent the development of secondary sex characteristics, sexual maturation, and bone density. Indeed, because of the inhibition of bone density and other risks, doctors don’t like to keep children on puberty blockers for more than two years.

We also know that in almost every case when a child’s healthy puberty is medically arrested, placing the child out of step with his or her peers, that child proceeds to cross-sex hormones. And when puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are administered to a girl, she becomes infertile. She may also have permanent sexual dysfunction given that her sex organs never reach adult maturity.

Given this, the claims made by so many doctors and gender activists today that these medical transition measures for children are safe and reversible—that they are a “pause button,” without serious downsides—are not only dishonest, but destructive. We would not accept this sort of glib salesmanship in any other area of medicine.

Trans Identification among Teenage Girls

As I mentioned, for the nearly 100-year history of scientific study of gender dysphoria, it has been diagnosed almost exclusively in young children, and mostly in boys. But over the last decade, large numbers of teenage girls have begun to claim they have gender dysphoria.

Prior to 2012, in fact, there was no scientific literature on gender dysphoria arising in teenage girls. Dr. Lisa Littman, then a Brown University public health researcher, used the phrase “rapid onset gender dysphoria” to refer to the subsequent sudden spike in transgender identification among teenage girls with no childhood history of gender dysphoria.

This spike is not unique to America—we see it across the Western world. To offer just one statistic, there has been a decade-to-decade increase of over 4,400 percent in the number of teenage girls seeking treatment at the United Kingdom’s national gender clinic. Across the West, teen girls are now the leading demographic claiming to have gender dysphoria.

What is behind this is social contagion—the spread of ideas, emotions, and behaviors through peer influence, one more instance of teenage girls sharing and spreading their pain. There is a long history of social contagion with this demographic—anorexia and bulimia are also spread this way. And we know that teen girls today are in the midst of the worst mental health crisis on record, with the highest rates of anxiety, self-harm, and clinical depression.

The teen girls susceptible to this social contagion are the same high-anxiety, depressive girls who struggle socially in adolescence and tend to hate their bodies. Add to that a school environment where you can achieve status and popularity by declaring a trans identity. Add to that the teenage temptation to stick it to mom. Also add the intoxicating influence of social media, where trans activists push the idea that identifying as trans and starting a course of testosterone will cure a girl’s problems. Put those together, and you have a fast-spreading social phenomenon.

I’ve spoken to families at top girls’ schools who attest that 15, 20, or in one case 30 percent of the girls in their daughter’s seventh grade class identify as trans. When you see figures like that, you’re witnessing a social contagion in action. There is no other reasonable explanation.

These teen girls are in a great deal of pain. Almost all of them have at some point dealt with an eating disorder, engaged in cutting, or been diagnosed with other mental health comorbidities. And now they’re being allowed to self-diagnose gender dysphoria by a medical establishment that has decided that its job is to affirm and agree with trans-identified adolescents.

Turning a Blind Eye

You may not know the name Keira Bell. She is a young woman in the U.K., very troubled in adolescence, who was rushed to transition in her teen years and came to regret it. She underwent double mastectomy and spent years on testosterone, only to realize that her problem had never been gender dysphoria. She sued the U.K.’s national gender clinic, and last December, after the High Court of Justice examined her case and the claims of similarly situated plaintiffs, she won.

The Court examined the medical protocols applied to Keira Bell—protocols identical to the ones we have in the United States—and was horrified that a young girl had been allowed to consent to begin a process of eliminating her future fertility and sexual function at an age, 15, when she could not possibly have gauged that loss.

Hailed as a “landmark case” by The Times of London, The Economist, and even The Guardian, Bell’s victory was widely viewed as a serious condemnation of the effort to fast-track teen girls to gender transition. One of the appalling things the Court noted was that the national gender clinic had been unable to show any psychological improvement in the adolescents it had treated with transitioning hormones.

If, as I suspect, you haven’t read or heard about the Keira Bell case, that’s because America’s legacy media decided to pretend the case didn’t happen. Similarly, they continue to ignore or dismiss the stories of the thousands of “detransitioners”—young women who underwent medical transition, later regretted it, and attempt to reverse course. A lot of the treatments these girls have undergone are permanent, but they do what they can to try to reverse some of the effects.

Thus it is that in the United States, this crisis among teenage girls gets treated as a political issue—a conservative issue—rather than a medical one. And so perhaps the greatest medical scandal of our time is dismissed as a conservative preoccupation.

The Assault on Women’s Sports and Safe Spaces

No discussion of gender ideology can ignore the ongoing movement to eradicate girls’ and women’s sports and protective spaces. Many or most of the people pushing this are not transgender themselves. But they are activists, they are energized, and they seem to be winning.

This movement promotes dangerous bills like the Equality Act, which would make it illegal ever to distinguish between biological men and women—and thus to exclude a biological male from a girls’ sports team or a women’s protective space, whether it be a restroom, locker room, or prison. We have these laws now in California and in the State of Washington—and as you might imagine, one result is that hundreds of biological male prisoners, many of them violent felons, have applied to transfer to women’s units.

For activists pushing this, it is not enough to create unisex bathrooms, a separate category for trans-identified athletes, or separate safe zones in prisons for trans-identified biological men. No, they are working to abolish all women’s-only spaces and they want to abolish them now.


The common thread running through these topics is that the truth is being obscured by gender ideology. Lies are told about the risks of the transition treatments administered to young children, both to play down the dangers of those treatments and to exaggerate the degree to which those treatments are known to be helpful. Lies are told about the researchers and journalists who attempt to report on the crisis of social contagion among teenage girls undergoing transition treatments. And lies are told about the movement to eradicate women’s protective spaces.

The gender ideology behind these lies is a sibling of critical race theory. While critical race activists are teaching kids that they are largely defined by their skin color, gender activists are teaching kids that there are a great many genders, and that only they know their true gender. And just as families who object to racial indoctrination in schools are told that their denials of racism are proof of racism, young women who object to biological males participating in girls’ sports are told that their objections are proof of transphobic bigotry.

These mendacious dogmas have corrupted our K-12 schools, our universities, and our legacy media, as well as our scientific journals and our medical accrediting organizations—the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, etc. To give you a sense of how far things have gone, I was informed late last year by a member of the National Association of Science Writers—an association of journalists with scientific backgrounds—that a member of the association’s online forum had been expelled for mentioning my book on the transgender social contagion among teenage girls. He hadn’t even read my book. He just mentioned that it sounded interesting, and for that he was banned as transphobic.

Similarly, endocrinologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, and researchers who are concerned about the risks of gender interventions report that they struggle today to get their research published. And public and private funding of research is almost entirely restricted to researchers who promote gender transition and downplay the risks.

There are phalanxes of young doctors now, many of them in pediatrics or child psychiatry, who are open about their belief that their primary job is “social justice.” They unreservedly celebrate the increase in transitioning treatment of young people and are inexcusably complacent about the risks of those treatments. The Washington Post recently quoted some of these doctors to the effect that puberty blockers are fully reversible—which is not something that any honest doctor can claim to know. We simply don’t have the data to know whether puberty blockers are fully physically reversible when applied to halt healthy puberty—and they are certainly not psychologically reversible. We’re seeing a startling politicization of medicine and science, which is symptomatic of a larger woke corruption of American society.


Now, there’s something I make a point of saying whenever I speak, and I say it for the simple reason that it is true: transgender adults are some of the soberest and kindest people I have met in my work as a journalist. Many of them seem to have been helped by transition, and they are leading admirable and productive lives. They have no desire to harm women or to push transition on children. The gender ideology activists do not represent them.

My understanding of freedom includes a belief that society should allow adults to make consequential decisions about their lives, which includes choosing to undergo sex reassignment surgery. And whenever I am asked by a transgender adult, I use his or her chosen name and pronouns. This seems to me the courteous and the right thing to do. But—and this is a big but—I never lie. This means I never say, and I will never say, that trans women are women. I think reciting this lie leads, as we are seeing, to unjust and dangerous consequences for women and girls. It is not courteous or right to parrot these lies. It is the cowardly surrender of women’s welfare to the woke gods. And it is wrong.

I’m also often asked why it is that the gender ideology activists are doing what they are doing. What possible justification could there be, for instance, for telling small boys that they might be girls and small girls that they might be boys? My best guess at an answer occurred to me while talking to detransitioners. I heard repeatedly from these young women that while they were transitioning, they were angry and politically radical. They often cut off relations with their families, having been coached to do so online by gender activists. Related to this, if you look, you’ll notice a disproportionate number of gender-confused people among the ranks of Antifa in cities like Portland.

In other words, chaos is the point, and these troubled girls become prey for those who seek to recruit revolutionaries. Just as the destructive objective of critical race theory is to divide Americans racially, that of gender ideology is to disrupt the formation of stable families, the building blocks of American life.

So what do we do about it? How do we push back? First and foremost, we must oppose the indoctrination of children in gender ideology. There is no good reason for it, and it does real harm. We can absolutely insist that all children treat each other kindly without indoctrinating an entire generation in gender confusion.

Second, we must overcome our squeamishness and speak the truth in public. Wherever we find ourselves, we must refuse to recite lies. And we must always clearly distinguish between transgender Americans, generally wonderful people, and the ideological transgender movement, which seeks to warp children and weaken families.

This is a movement that would turn our children against themselves because its advocates know there is no greater harm—no quicker way to bring America to its knees—than by driving our children to do themselves irreversible damage. The people pushing this ideology have gotten a head start on us by perhaps a decade. But now I think they have awakened a sleeping giant. The success of my book is one indication. The many state legislatures that are now debating these issues is another.

These are our kids and grandkids. Our future depends on our winning this fight.

Abigail Shrier is a journalist and author. She received her A.B. from Columbia College, where she was a Euretta J. Kellett Fellow; her B.Phil. from the University of Oxford; and her J.D. from Yale Law School, where she was a Coker Fellow. A member of the Board of Advisors of the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism, she has written for numerous publications, including City Journal, Newsweek, RealClearPolitics, The Federalist, the New York Post, and The Wall Street Journal. She is the author of Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.

Reprinted from

Texas Dept. of Family and Protective Services: Sex Change Surgery for Minors Is Child Abuse Mon, 16 Aug 2021 13:48:19 +0000

Admin note: Every state should rule in the same way as Texas.

PJ Media
By Matt Margolis Aug 13, 2021 12:39 PM ET

DFPS Commissioner Jaime Masters, in response to Governor Greg Abbott’s call to investigate the issue, responded with a letter [well worth reading!] to the governor, in which he declared, “Genital mutilation of a child through reassignment surgery is child abuse, subject to all rules and procedures pertaining to child abuse.

“This surgical procedure physically alters a child’s genitalia for non-medical purposes potentially inflicting irreversible harm to children’s bodies,” the letter continues. “Generally, children in the care and custody of a parent lack the legal capacity to consent to surgical treatments, making them more vulnerable.”

In the event such abuse of a child is witnessed, professionals licensed by the state are instructed to report it within 48 hours, and failure to do so would be considered a Class A misdemeanor. “Professionals include teachers, nurses, doctors, day-care employees and others who are either licensed by the state or work in a facility licensed or operated by the state and who have direct contact with children through their job.”

Masters acknowledged that such procedures may be deemed medically necessary, and thus, not child abuse, in certain instances. “It may be warranted for the following conditions including, but not limited to, a child whose body parts have been affected by illness or trauma; who is born with a medically verifiable genetic disorder of sex development, such as the presence of both ovarian and testicular tissue; or who does not have the normal sex chromosome structure for male or female as determined through genetic testing.”

Original article at

Snapchat Is A Transgender Propaganda And Grooming Machine Fri, 25 Jun 2021 15:41:40 +0000
Snapchat is the transgender lobby’s greatest ally for indoctrinating young people.

Evita Duffy

February 27, 2021
from The Federalist

Warning: This article includes sexual content that is inappropriate for children.

During a Thursday Senate confirmation hearing, Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul pressed President Joe Biden’s transgender nominee for assistant Health and Human Services secretary, Rachel Levine.

“Do you believe that minors are capable of making such a life-changing decision as changing one’s sex?” Paul asked. Levine wouldn’t answer.

Why would it be controversial to make sure people are of consenting age before they undergo irreversible plastic surgery? Answer: the culture.

The number of transgender Gen Zers is about 10 times higher than that of their parents in Generation X. In a tweet Wednesday, The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh pointed out that the uptick in gender-dysphoric children is not a “natural or organic development.” It is the result of popular culture and our corrupt school system “actively recruit[ing] children into the LGBT ranks.”

Walsh is absolutely right, and Snapchat is the transgender lobby’s greatest ally for indoctrinating and recruiting young people. A 2020 study found Snapchat is the most popular social media among U.S. teens (TikTok is a close second).

Snapchat’s content is short-lived and always disappearing, so parents have no way of keeping tabs on what their kids are seeing. It tends to fly under the radar because older conservatives give more attention to Twitter and Facebook, but because Snapchat is dominated by young people, it is arguably the most influential and dangerous app.

In 2015, Snapchat introduced “Discover,” a feature for publishers such as CNN, Complex, The New York Times, Mashable, People, Vice, and Vox to showcase short, ad-supported content. Snapchat also offers smaller brands and content creators a platform, such as the famous left-wing podcast “Pod Save America.”

There is no free marketplace of ideas in the Discover section. Snapchat’s editorial team has total control over its content. Millennial editors in Silicon Valley carefully hand-select radical leftist propaganda to give straight to children.

LGBT content is very prevalent on Snapchat, and transgender content is specially common. Below is some of the trans propaganda on Snapchat.

‘Twin Sisters Become Twin Brothers’

One of the biggest promoters of transgenderism is the Snapchat series “My Extraordinary Family.” The latest episode is titled “Twin Sisters Become Twin Brothers.”

‘We’re Judged For Letting Both Our Kids Transition’

A past episode from “My Extraordinary Family” is titled “We’re Judged For Letting Both Our Kids Transition.” The oldest child, James, born a girl, asked to go transgender at eight years old. This past year, the daughter changed her name to James and started hormone blockers.

Olivia, their other child, born a boy, said he was trans at four years old. The parents let him socially transition at five. “As of right now, we just follow her lead,” says Olivia’s mother.

‘Allowing Our 9-Year-Old To Transition’

Another episode is titled “We’re Judged For Allowing Our 9-Year-Old To Transition.”

Other episodes include, “Parents Won’t Gender Their Kids” and “I Helped My Dad Transition Into A Woman.”

‘Coming Out Video’

Here is a video called “This Trans Guy Reacts To His Coming Out Video” followed by A Red Lip And Wing Eye For Beginners” by Patrick Starr, a gay YouTuber and beauty influencer.

‘Queer Icon’ and ‘Drag Makeup’

WE/US did an episode on “queer icon” Lady Gaga and discusses drag and queer history. A feature titled “This Kitty Cat Drag Makeup Is So Glam” is brought to you by “Cosmo Queens.”

‘Drag My Dad’ and ‘Guys Try On Extreme V-day Lingerie’

Degrading and undermining masculinity is a common theme on Snapchat. “Drag My Dad” is an MTV Snapchat series featuring “Bob the drag queen,” who “is bringing families together by taking your typical macho, goofy dad and transforming him into the ultimate drag fantasy.”

And here is a recent episode called “Guys Try On Extreme V-day Lingerie” from “The Try Guys,” a group of straight millennial men who are famous for trying on women’s clothing.


The content on Snapchat is calculated. Snapchat “news” only includes left-wing publishers. You won’t find Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, or The Federalist on Snapchat. “The Ben Shapiro Show” is the only conservative series featured on Discover, and that was a very recent addition.

Gender transitioning is a growing multibillion-dollar industry and the radical left and their corporate lobbyists want to continue capitalizing on it. Just like other Big Tech giants have decided to partner with the corporate media and Democratic Party, so has Snapchat. There is a strong pro-trans theme on Discover, making Snapchat a propaganda machine for the young people who scroll its feed.

Government is always two steps behind the culture. The reason Levine has been nominated and the reason it’s normal to refuse to recognize the inherent abuse in allowing children to mutilate their bodies is that the left has been rewiring Americans, especially American children, via the culture for decades. Snapchat is just one piece of the puzzle. There are many, many forces in the culture driving the same narrative.

Snapchat has undoubtedly contributed to the damaging uptick in trans children. This should concern everyone. Even the transgender advocacy organization World Professional Association for Transgender Health reports that the vast majority of gender-dysphoric children will ultimately align with their biology if allowed to go through puberty normally, without transgender treatments. Instead, grown-ups with an LGBT agenda aren’t allowing children to go through their gender-confused phase without inflicting permanent damage to their bodies.

Tragically, people like James, whose parents “let them lead,” might find themselves living with an irreversible sex change after they finally realize they want to live the rest of their lives as the sex they were born with.

Evita Duffy is an intern at The Federalist and a junior at the University of Chicago, where she studies American History. She loves the Midwest, lumberjack sports, writing, & her family. Follow her on Twitter at @evitaduffy_1

Transgender Activists Tell Our Daughters They’re Not Acceptable The Way They Are Fri, 25 Jun 2021 14:28:40 +0000
Abigail Shrier’s new book, ‘Irreversible Damage: the Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,’ adroitly addresses a controversial topic without shirking from the truth.


‘Transition’ Treatment Harms Kids, Veteran Psychiatrist at UK Gender Clinic Says Mon, 15 Feb 2021 13:32:34 +0000

Nicole Russell / / Daily Signal

Children “have been very seriously damaged” in receiving treatment at the United Kingdom’s premier gender identity facility, a former psychiatrist there says in a bombshell interview.

Dr. David Bell faced disciplinary action after writing an internal report in 2018 raising concerns about procedures at The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, which operates the U.K.’s sole “Gender Identity Development Service.”

After working with Tavistock and Portman for 24 years as a consultant psychiatrist, Bell recently retired. In the interview with London-based Channel 4 News, he speaks openly about his observations about giving children puberty blockers, treating every girl with a gender or sexual issue as “conversion therapy,” and politicizing support for transgender children.

Right away, Bell isn’t shy about relating the concerns of parents and others about Tavistock’s treatment plans. He tells reporter Cathy Newman:

I was a representative of the clinical and academic staff. The concerns that were brought to me were very, very serious. The main concerns were issues that had to do with … lack of consent. Many of the people who spoke to me did not think their children were able to consent to the treatment.

Then there were concerns of children being inappropriately pushed through to transition, where they had a lot of complex problems that really needed thinking about. The whole attitude of what’s called ‘affirmation’ instead of neutrality and inquiry caused considerable damage to the capacity of the service and clinicians to take on the full complexities of the cases they were dealing with. As a result, children have been very seriously damaged.

Newman asks the psychiatrist in the interview whether children are at risk while receiving treatments at Tavistock.

Bell replies: “They’re less at risk now because the puberty blockers have been stopped. The puberty blockers have been stopped because there is no evidence base for them at all. … By putting them on that pathway, it rather becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

In December, a panel of three judges on the High Court of Justice issued a landmark ruling restricting Tavistock from issuing puberty blockers to children under 16. The High Court is one of the U.K.’s three senior courts under its Supreme Court.

The judges made their decision in part because of the testimony of Keira Bell, who is known in the U.K. for speaking out against the use of puberty blockers, which Tavistock prescribed to her when she wanted to become a male.

Channel 4’s Newman asks Bell about the High Court ruling in that case regarding kids under 16.

The psychiatrist calls the decision “really important because it acts to protect them.”

Bell later says that the “positioning of these girls as only having a gender problem acts to prevent them from developing in a normal way and their own nonconforming gender identity or sexuality” and adds: “This is a form of conversion therapy among people that are gay or lesbian.”

Newman asks Bell whether he “might be on the wrong side of history” in failing to be as vocally supportive of the transgender movement as one might expect from someone who worked at a gender clinic for decades.

He appears to have no qualms about tying the gender debate to politics, saying later that “one of the things gone terribly wrong in the Tavistock and elsewhere is the invasion of the clinical domain by the political ideology.”

Bell articulates the very phenomenon that has grown in the United States as well:

This is a very highly politicized area. And leaders from movements with a very powerful ideological commitment have managed to capture policy both medically, professionally, in the media, and in government with no evidence basis, a purely highly politicized movement; we just have these consequences.

All I’m saying … is [the children] need to wait. There needs to be a thoughtful engagement with them as opposed to motoring them through to treatment pathways that have irreversible consequences for their bodies. We’re talking about not doing harm to children.


Bell is at his most compelling when he discusses a real-life example of someone who is struggling with her sexuality.

“Let me put it very simply. A girl of 12 may find that she is sexually attracted to other girls,” Bell says, adding:

It may go through her mind: … Maybe I’m not a girl. Maybe I’m a boy. If that happened 10-15 years ago, that would have been a passing phase and things would have moved on. But now because of hugely changed cultural context and the penetration of social media, such a girl may go online and she may easily come to the belief … that she is a boy. And that having reached that [conclusion] … there will be lots of forces around her that will support it, and all her other difficulties will be repositioned through that prism.


Although Bell says he doesn’t believe that Tavistock tried to push him toward retirement or “hound him out,” he says the facility made it clear “that people like me that spoke out will come under the scrutiny in this very negative way.”

“I think it’s like a message to everyone else who don’t have my seniority, my safety: Oh, my God, I better not speak out, they’ll think I’m transphobic.”

Bell’s comments during this interview confirm that the High Court made the right decision when it ruled that Tavistock must stop giving puberty blockers to children under 16.

The psychiatrist’s articulations about gender ideology as a political movement, whether in the U.K. or the United States, are spot on. He was courageous to speak out on an issue that has become so controversial in such a short time.

The Daily Signal publishes a variety of perspectives. Nothing written here is to be construed as representing the views of The Heritage Foundation.


Article appeared at

I Know What Happens To The Kids in ‘Transhood’, Because It Happened To Me Sat, 06 Feb 2021 12:43:04 +0000

Walt Heyer, 5, 2021, The

Grandma was totally unaware of the damage that she was inflicting, indoctrinating me into enjoying being a girl instead of who I really was—a boy.

Photo HBO Max / YouTube

A new HBO Max documentary, “Transhood,” follows for five years the lives of four Kansas City, Mo. children who believe they are the opposite sex.

I identified as a “transgender woman” for eight years. Today, watching this documentary, I marvel at how the events of my childhood groomed me into believing that identifying as the opposite sex was the solution to my gender confusion. My heart goes out to these children who also are being groomed into a transgender life.

A Purple Dress Took My Boyhood Away

I can trace the onset of my gender confusion and wanting to be a female to the psychological, emotional, and sexual damage that occurred before I was ten. Starting when I was four years old, my dad would drop me off at my maternal grandparents’ house after work on Friday so he and my mom could take off for weekends of camping and fishing.

My grandparents lived on the outskirts of Los Angeles in a little shack behind an automobile junkyard. Grandpa was often out for hours at a time, towing cars. Grandma, a seamstress, stayed at home fashioning dresses for customers.

This is where my crossdressing and gender confusion started. I remember sitting on the porch, watching grandma cut and stitch pieces of purple chiffon cloth into a beautiful full-length evening dress for me, her four-year-old grandson. She helped me stand on a small stool for fittings and hemming. As she worked, she smiled and remarked how cute I looked.

The secret crossdressing “game” with grandma went on for about two years and ended abruptly when my mom and dad learned about it. Both were in shock. They threw the dress away and made sure that I never visited grandma’s alone again. But when my teen uncle found out about it, he teased me and made fun of me in front of my playmates, then escalated to sexual molestation.


Over time, I became increasing uncomfortable with myself as a boy, to the point of disliking myself as Walt and adopting a secret female name at age 13. My thoughts constantly revolved around how I could become a female.
Self-destructive thoughts and actions took over. Starting in my teens, I drank alcohol excessively. From there, the damage mounted: out-of-control drinking, copious amounts of female hormones to look like a woman, divorce and loss of family, loss of career, and drug abuse, culminating with “gender affirming” surgery at age 42.

I lived as a woman for the next eight years. At first I was happy, but when the giddy effect wore off, staring me in the face was the reality that I was an alcoholic who hadn’t dealt with pain inflicted on me in childhood. I crashed, entered alcohol rehab, and started therapy.

Adults Groom Children Into Transgenderism

It has taken me years to adequately assess the full range of consequences inflicted by grandma’s “gender grooming.” Benjamin Franklin’s proverb, “Life’s tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late,” sums up my feelings now at 80 years of age when I reflect on how I, a reasonable man, became a willing participant in body-mutilating surgeries because a so-called “gender specialist” said that was the treatment I needed.

The purple dress marked ground zero, the onset of my desire to eradicate Walt. I can see that grandma’s withholding of love for the four-year-old boy Walt set in motion the desire to punish myself for being a boy. “Only girls would be loved, not boys” was the underlying message of her affirmation of me in the purple dress. Like any child, I basked in grandma’s undivided attention and wanted to please her.

Grandma was totally unaware of the damage that she was inflicting, indoctrinating me into enjoying being a girl instead of who I really was—the scruffy little boy with cowboy boots and torn jeans. In retrospect, I see her behavior as emotional and psychological abuse because it planted the idea I would be loved more as a girl.

I see now that medical transition—injecting female hormones and undergoing multiple surgical procedures—to destroy the “male me” was a form of self-abuse not unlike drinking to excess. Fortunately, I finally woke up from the delusion, got sober, worked through the pain of childhood with several capable psychologists. I have now found peace, and remarkably even joy, living as Walt.

The ‘Transhood’ Parents Are Doing It, Too

Like so many others, the HBO Max documentary “Transhood” fails on so many levels. For starters, the subjects are children who can’t possibly understand the long-term consequences of living as someone they aren’t.

Dr. Michelle Cretella, executive director of the American College of Pediatrics, recently said: “The fact is many kids under the age of seven are still developing cognitively. When we tell these young kids … the lie that they might be born in the wrong body, … it’s psychological abuse because we are disrupting their normal cognitive and psychological development.”

Just as my grandma disrupted my normal boy development by affirming me in a dress, the adults in the documentary are disrupting the normal development of four children by allowing them to experiment with social transition, that is, the adoption of a false identity.

Yes, The Evidence Shows This Is Child Abuse

We already have evidence beyond common sense and life experience that shows transgendering children is child abuse. Here is just some of it.

Gender specialists don’t know who the trans kids are. Research psychologist Kristiana Olson of the University of Washington, an advocate for transitioning children, put it this way: “We just don’t have definitive data one way or the other.” She is leading a study to track outcomes of several hundred children over 20 years “to be able to, hopefully, answer which children should or should not transition,” she said.

To be clear, Olson is not leading a study—she’s conducting an experiment on vulnerable children. The drugs are not approved for this use and the outcomes are harmful.

Outcomes are not tracked. In a landmark case in the United Kingdom high court brought by two people treated as children at the nation’s sole gender clinic, Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), judges were “surprised” that GIDS did not track data about their patients, even while under their care. The judges lambasted GIDS for not having any evidence showing the efficacy of their treatments and concluded that the evidence they presented to the court showed the “treatment is as yet innovative and experimental.”

We need to stop pretending that doctors have scientific backing for their recommendations to transition children socially and medically. They do not. In fact, a great amount of research shows transgender treatments are medically harmful to children.

Children lack the maturity to consent to medical interventions. Furthermore, the U.K. judges ruled that children younger than 16 lack the maturity to give informed consent to the experimental gender treatments that alter the body.

Children are not born in the wrong body. Studies show that children are not born with gender dysphoria. The documentary shamelessly ignores biological fact and the truth that no verbal declaration will change one’s sex.

Dr. Cretella, a strong advocate for children, says: “When we tell children, parents or the general public that you can be born in the wrong body, that is science fiction and it is gaslighting. When we abuse children psychologically in this way … when we affirm them in this delusion that they’re born in the wrong body, we are making it far more difficult for them to embrace reality.”

Five years is too short a timeframe. The HBO documentary tracks the children over five years, but regrettable outcomes from transgender treatments often occur years, even decades, later, when the thrill of transition wears off. My first few years after surgery were exhilarating, but unhappiness steadily grew until I decide to detransition back to life as Walt around eight years later.

People are being hurt. I often thought I was the only one who regretted going down this path. But I am not. My web site,, has many real-life examples of the results of changing genders taken from the headlines and from the letters I receive on a steady basis.

I hear from so many distraught adults and parents of children about the regrettable and often gruesome consequences of being indoctrinated into “changing genders” that I assembled 30 representative stories into a book, Trans Life Survivors, to give a glimpse of what the survivors of changing genders have to say about what they endured. (See Stella Morabito’s book review in The Federalist.)

Documentaries such as this one from HBO Max depict confused children and their parents participating in a grand social experiment under the misguided assumption that affirmation of cross-gender identities equals love. But it is not love, and can have catastrophic consequences. I’ve lived this madness from a young age, and know that twisting children’s minds to the point of questioning or hating who they are is child abuse.

“Transhood” ended their coverage at five years, but I haven’t seen the big media documentary sharing the real-life stories from people at 10, 15, and 20 years after they go down this path. Sadly, too many of them don’t end well, as indie documentaries have shown. These children deserve far, far better.


This article originally appeared at
