Teenager | Sex Change Regret https://sexchangeregret.com For those who want to return back Mon, 22 May 2023 22:56:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://sexchangeregret.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/cropped-SCR_LOGO-512-for-favicon-32x32.png Teenager | Sex Change Regret https://sexchangeregret.com 32 32 Transgressive | The Cult of Confusion https://sexchangeregret.com/transgressive-the-cult-of-confusion/ Mon, 12 Sep 2022 18:43:17 +0000 https://sexchangeregret.com/?p=2060

Cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, disfiguring surgeries. This 2-part documentary on Tucker Carlson Originals (on Fox Nation) clearly shows how young people get pulled into the transgender cult. Powerful insights from doctors, teachers, parents, and detransitioners. 


Transgressive, Part 1

With Tucker Carlson’s departure, the video at Fox Nation is no longer available. Try this link: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8dmtae 

Transgressive, Part 2:

 With Tucker Carlson’s departure, the video at Fox Nation is no longer available. Try this link: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8dmtb9 

Dysconnected Documentary https://sexchangeregret.com/dysconnected-documentary/ Mon, 12 Sep 2022 18:20:54 +0000 https://sexchangeregret.com/?p=2052

The Real Story Behind the Transgender Explosion

Over the past few years, a transgender tsunami has swept the nation, especially among young girls. 

What is going on? How did it come to this? Who is behind it? Filmmaker and father Don Johnson traveled the country to find out.

We all are being affected by the transgender phenomenon. Here is a film to help make sense of it, and provide a way out. For the past year, filmmaker Don Johnson has been traveling the country talking about this issue with people from all walks of life: parents, teachers, doctors, therapists, pastors, professors, and transitioners of all kinds. The story he uncovered will shock, anger, and sadden you, but also give you hope that we can turn this around.

Get vital resources and help extend  the film’s impact: https://donorbox.org/dysconnected#info

The Trailer:
Dysconnected Trailer from Runaway Planet Pictures. — https://vimeo.com/702207251

Featuring stories and insight from Daisy Strongin, “Billboard” Chris Elston, Ryan T. Anderson, Abigail Favale, Walt Heyer, Maria Keffler, Erin Brewer, Christopher West, Patrick Lappert, Pamela Garfield-Jaeger, Carl Trueman, Carl Olson, Billy Burleigh, Gary Michuta, Margaret McCarthy, Brenda Lebsack, Michael Hanby, and Benjamin Wiker.


Short clips from the film

Banned from TikTok for “Hateful Behavior,” the following short clips had tens of thousands of views and thousands of comments and likes in the few hours they were allowed to show, but were deemed too dangerous for the trans cult. You watch and decide:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPqsfe2zy7A (shown below)



I think you will agree that these are not hateful videos. Indeed, they are just the opposite. The experts in the film are speaking out because we love our kids and want what’s best for them.

–Don Johnson

Transgender Clinics Are Ruining Young Lives https://sexchangeregret.com/899-2/ Sat, 04 Jan 2020 22:18:37 +0000 https://sexchangeregret.com/?p=899

by Walt Heyer, January 2, 2020, Daily Signal 

Three teens who transitioned at age 18 or 19 and who regretted it soon after contacted me for help in going back. They are living proof of that cavalier attitude prevalent among gender clinics.

Read their stories here.
