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How A 10-Year-Old Girl’s Mom Saved Her From Going Transgender

How A 10-Year-Old Girl’s Mom Saved Her From Going Transgender

With permission, I share a mother’s terrifying experience. Her story illustrates how quickly and easily a ten-year-old girl can be groomed into a cross-sex identity. By Walt Heyer June 30, 2021 from The When I appeared on a Heritage Foundation panel...

Recherche de Témoignages

Recherche de Témoignages

Chère communauté, un media féministe français (presse écrite) est à la recherche de témoignages de personnes ayant initié une détransition. Soit des personnes qui y pensent / aimeraient détransitionner, soit des personnes qui se sont déjà lancées. Les témoignages...

It’s time to find a better way to help people with gender dysphoria than hormones and surgery.