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Discurso público: las grietas en el edificio del totalitarismo transgénero
13 de julio de 2019 por Jane Robbins El castillo transgénero que los radicales han construido por pura fuerza de voluntad está construido sobre arena movediza sin ningún tipo de soporte. La ola que lo barre está ganando fuerza. Que llegue pronto el momento en que...
Feminista, pro-gay, madre de niño trans critica las prohibiciones de “terapia de conversión”
Artículo Anónimo, en, 16 de abril de 2019 Lo que el público en general no entiende es que la terapia estándar de salud mental ahora se considera terapia de conversión cuando se practica con jóvenes con disforia de género. Leer el...
This Mom Is Fighting Her Kids’ School District’s LGBT Indoctrination
By Katrina Trinko / Daily Signal Maria Keffler is a former teacher herself. But when she recently found out, by accident, about new LGBT policies her children’s school district was considering instituting, Keffler was shocked. Now she’s speaking out—and urging other...
14 Years After Becoming Transgender, Teacher Says ‘It Was A Mistake’ | The
by Walt Heyer After much soul-searching, this teacher says, ‘I have come to the realization that I made a mistake. I am living my life as honestly as I can.’ At age 41, Herb underwent gender reassignment surgery in Canada, and became the first openly transgender...
Public Discourse: The Cracks in the Edifice of Transgender Totalitarianism
July 13, 2019, By Jane Robbins, Public Discourse The transgender castle that radicals have constructed by sheer force of will is built on shifting sand without supports of any kind. The wave that will sweep it away is gaining strength. May the time come soon when we...
Feminist, Pro-Gay Mother Of Trans Child Critiques Bans On ‘Conversion Therapy’
By Anonymous at, April 16, 2019 What the general public does not understand is that standard mental health therapy is now considered conversion therapy when practiced with gender-dysphoric youth. Read the article
Moms of 5 Kids Who Think They’re Transgender Speak Out | The Daily Signal
Edited by Daniel Davis When a child says he is transgender, we are expected nowadays to accept and celebrate this announcement. But there are many parents who are not celebrating. They are suffering in silence. They know their children were not born in the wrong...
4 Trans People Beg For Help With Their Gender Identity Crises
By Walt Heyer at, July 8, 2019 These four accounts from trans people show that the transgender-affirming medical establishment is failing at their duty to help people who are hurting. Four troubling stories of reckless treatment, regret, and suicide...
Detransitioned Man Answers Questions About Transgenderism
Is there a better treatment for gender confusion than hormones and surgeries? Walt Heyer sheds light.
9 Transgender Patients Complain Of Mutilation, Botched Sex-Change Surgeries In Oregon | The
by Walt Heyer 'The doctor basically used a bunch of trans people to experiment on and gain experience without being properly trained.' Ashe underwent a gender-change surgery in 2016 at the Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU) Hospital in Portland, to change his...