Current treatment protocols of hormones and surgery are experimental. There’s no proof they are safe or effective. We present articles and studies that shine a light on the risks of social transition, hormones and surgery for both adults and children .
How to Debunk Transgender Madness in 2 Minutes
Dr. Michelle Cretella shares medical, scientific truths in a 2-minute video debunking the transgender madness.
Cómo desmitificar la locura transgénero en 2 minutos
La Dra. Michelle Cretella comparte verdades médicas y científicas en un video de 2 minutos que desacredita la locura transgénero.
Panel de discusión: Los daños médicos de las intervenciones hormonales y quirúrgicas en niños con disforia de género
Cuando se trata de atender a los jóvenes que creen que son del sexo opuesto, que sufren de disforia de género o que se identifican a sí mismos como transgénero, los médicos han sido instruidos por sus asociaciones profesionales para que brinden "atención afirmativa"....
Panel Discussion: The Medical Harms of Hormonal and Surgical Interventions for Gender Dysphoric Children
When it comes to treating young people who believe they are the opposite sex, who either suffer from gender dysphoria or self-identify as transgender, physicians have been instructed by their professional associations to provide "affirmative care." Watch a panel of...
Sex Reassignment Doesn’t Work. Here Is the Evidence. | The Heritage Foundation
The best scientific research supports sex change is physically impossible and it frequently does not provide the long-term wholeness and happiness that people seek.
APA Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology says transgender identity can change
Laura A. Haynes, Ph.D., California Psychologist, analyzed the APA Handbook on Sexuality and Psychology (American Psychological Association, 2014). She found statements in the two-volume handbook that are astonishing. The APA Handbook says that people with a...
The New Atlantis special report
Sexuality and Gender Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences by Lawrence S. Mayer, Paul R. McHugh, Fall 2016 This report presents a careful summary and an up-to-date explanation of research — from the biological, psychological, and social...
Gender-affirming hormone use in children and adolescents
Two astute and exceptionally well-qualified UK experts at Oxford reviewed the available literature and describe the enormous problems with this so-called "research." Their conclusion? Treatments for under 18 gender dysphoric children and adolescents remain largely...
La locura de los bloqueadores hormonales para niños.
por Walt Heyer Un controvertido tratamiento para niños con disforia de género es la administración de medicamentos llamados bloqueadores hormonales para retrasar la pubertad. La práctica está ganando terreno sin ninguna prueba científica de que sea apropiada o...
The insanity of hormone blockers for kids
by Walt Heyer One controversial treatment for children with gender dysphoria is the administration of drugs called hormone blockers to delay puberty. The practice is gaining traction without any scientific proof that it is appropriate or effective, and despite the...
A long-term study of 324 sex-reassigned persons in 2003 in Sweden show higher risk
The 2003 study found "persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity [diseased state] than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although...
Up to 20% have regret; Sex changes are not effective, say researchers
The review of more than 100 international medical studies of “post-operative” transsexuals finds up to 20% regret transitioning and no conclusive evidence was found that shows gender reassignment surgery improves lives.
The Latest Research by Prof John Whitehall, Paediatrician
Prof John Whitehall, Australian Paediatrician for over 50 years, presents the latest research in a series of 12 videos, with transcripts. Topics include: Childhood gender dysphoria, cross-sex hormones, gender dysphoria, psychological treatment alternatives, puberty...