Dysconnected Documentary

Dysconnected Documentary

The Real Story Behind the Transgender Explosion Over the past few years, a transgender tsunami has swept the nation, especially among young girls.  What is going on? How did it come to this? Who is behind it? Filmmaker and father Don Johnson traveled the country to...
Trans Wreck | Documentary

Trans Wreck | Documentary

Trans Wreck | Documentary Released September 2022 The documentary Trans Wreck seamlessly pulls together a wide range of viewpoints and clearly articulates the harm of the transgender movement in a highly entertaining and compelling manner. This feature film is bold...
The Testosterone Hangover

The Testosterone Hangover

Common Sense, April 19, 2022 by Suzi Weiss There is a growing chorus of young people, including Chloe, who had come to regret—deeply—the decisions they had made and the gender-affirming care they had received. In the middle of this story are teenagers who are largely...