Correction: Transgender Surgery Provides No Mental Health Benefit
Public Discourse September 13, 2020 By Andre Van Mol, Michael K. Laidlaw, Miriam Grossman and Paul McHugh The American Journal of Psychiatry has issued a major correction to a recent study. The Bränström study reanalysis demonstrated that neither “gender-affirming...
The Evidence Suggests Gender Transition Procedures for Minors are Experimental
by Peter Sprigg Feb. 13, 2020 Just how good is the “evidence” cited in support of gender transition procedures—especially for minors? The author shows the claim that the treatments are “evidence-based” is misleading, because the quality of the evidence in this field...
Do Puberty-Blocking Drugs Make Transgender Kids Less Likely to Commit Suicide, or More?
by Peter Sprigg Feb. 13, 2020 The most extreme claim is that transgender children forced to undergo normal puberty will kill themselves. Into this debate came a new academic study published in the Pediatrics medical journal that resulted in headlines like these:...
¿Las drogas que bloquean la pubertad hacen que los niños transgénero sean menos propensos a cometer suicidio o más?
por Peter Sprigg 13 de febrero de 2020La afirmación más extrema es que los niños transgénero obligados a someterse a la pubertad normal se suicidarán. En este debate surgió un nuevo estudio académico publicado en la revista médica Pediatrics que resultó en titulares...