Detransitioned Man Answers Questions About Transgenderism

Detransitioned Man Answers Questions About Transgenderism by Aliya Kuykendall, published on May 7, 2019 Is there a better treatment for gender confusion than hormones and surgeries? Walt Heyer sheds light. I recently had a conversation on Twitter with a person who identifies as a trans-woman. At one point, I...
Teenage Max: “I wish I had listened to you”

Teenage Max: “I wish I had listened to you”

Excerpt from Trans Life Survivors by Walt Heyer, pgs. 109-111 Recently an email arrived in my inbox with the subject “I wish I had listened to you” that shows the human casualties from the “grand experiment” on children. Max [not his real name], now in his...


in the News Articles from around the world The Many Harms of Gender Identity Laws: A Mother of a Trans-Identifying Teen Speaks Out | The Public Discourse All people should be protected from harassment and harm, no matter how they identify. But we as a society must be...