27-year-old man regrets having surgery

27-year-old man regrets having surgery

I soon came to the realization that what I have is an open wound, not a vagina. I was blinded by the amount of harmful support that I got. In June 2019, I received this email from a 27-year-old man. He gave permission to share his story here so that it can help...
Detransitioned Man Answers Questions About Transgenderism

Detransitioned Man Answers Questions About Transgenderism

TheStream.org by Aliya Kuykendall, published on May 7, 2019 Is there a better treatment for gender confusion than hormones and surgeries? Walt Heyer sheds light. I recently had a conversation on Twitter with a person who identifies as a trans-woman. At one point, I...
Teenage Max: “I wish I had listened to you”

Teenage Max: “I wish I had listened to you”

Excerpt from Trans Life Survivors by Walt Heyer, pgs. 109-111 Recently an email arrived in my inbox with the subject “I wish I had listened to you” that shows the human casualties from the “grand experiment” on children. Max [not his real name], now in his...
Victory in Jesus

Victory in Jesus

This is from someone who has found victory in the Lord and is willing to share his story: I had irreversible gender reassignment surgery in 1997 absolutely convinced I was a woman in a man’s body. I anticipated living happily ever after, however I had persistent...