
It takes a community to support those impacted by this issue. Scroll to see resources for Detransitioners, Parents and Everyone. If you know of other resources, let us know and we’ll add them here.

Note: This list is for informational purposes only and does not in any way imply endorsement of the organizations. You are advised to properly vet the resources for yourself.


>> Resources for Detransitioners



Genspect is an international alliance of professionals, trans people, detransitioners, parent groups and others who seek high-quality care for gender-related distress.

Emerging as a leading organisation that offers an alternative to WPATH , Genspect offers a range of education, resources and support for anyone who has been impacted by gender dysphoria.

Chloe Cole Testimony

Chloe Cole Testimony

18-year-old Chloe Cole’s powerful testimony in front of California’s Senate Judiciary Committee, Sept. 1, 2022

Detransition Awareness Day

Detransition Awareness Day

We are detransitioners, supporters, and concerned parents. We’re here to cheer for each other. Our unique health care needs are ignored by the same professionals that were eager to medicalize us. We are not going to hide in the shadows. We deserve ethical medical...

>> Resources for Parents



Genspect is an international alliance of professionals, trans people, detransitioners, parent groups and others who seek high-quality care for gender-related distress.

Emerging as a leading organisation that offers an alternative to WPATH , Genspect offers a range of education, resources and support for anyone who has been impacted by gender dysphoria.

Chloe Cole Testimony

Chloe Cole Testimony

18-year-old Chloe Cole’s powerful testimony in front of California’s Senate Judiciary Committee, Sept. 1, 2022

A Conversation No Parent Should Miss…

A Conversation No Parent Should Miss…

Dr. Bauwens, a longtime clinician who worked in trauma-related treatment, cuts right through to the heart of the debate — offering practical tips for parents, the science behind gender confusion, the real motives of the Left, and hope for every child and family struggling to cope in this dangerous new world.

Help Not Harm

Help Not Harm

When a child is struggling, they need compassionate care – not experimental hormones and surgery.

Advocates Protecting Children

Advocates Protecting Children

We are dedicated to fighting the gender industry, and especially its predatory behavior towards children in the form of unethical social and medical transition for the sake of political and financial profit. We serve and support churches, schools, organizations,...

Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult

Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult

This timely book by Maria Keffler provides a roadmap to help families navigate the treacherous terrain of gender ideology, and bring their children back to reality and safety. Maria Keffler is a parent and teacher, and a co-founder of both Partners for Ethical Care...

Support Groups for Parents

Support Groups for Parents

If you are the parents of a child who has rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) and are skeptical of the current "gender affirmative" approach, and If your are looking for healthier, less invasive and more positive ways to help your child overcome their dysphoria,...

Child & Parental Rights Campaign – Law Firm

Child & Parental Rights Campaign – Law Firm

A non-partisan, non-profit public interest law firm whose mission is to defend the well-being of children and the rights of parents against the harms caused by gender identity ideology. At its core, it is a campaign, waged in the legal system, the legislative arena,...

>> Resources for Everyone



Genspect is an international alliance of professionals, trans people, detransitioners, parent groups and others who seek high-quality care for gender-related distress.

Emerging as a leading organisation that offers an alternative to WPATH , Genspect offers a range of education, resources and support for anyone who has been impacted by gender dysphoria.

Gender Exploratory Therapy Association

Gender Exploratory Therapy Association

Mental health professionals who will facilitate identity exploration while also helping clients confront important psychological issues that may be contributing to their distress, including their concerns about gender. 

An interview with Dr. Az Hakeem, Transgender Trend Blog

An interview with Dr. Az Hakeem, Transgender Trend Blog

Dr. Hakeem speaks to the lack of follow-up -- regretters are not counted high rate of regret he sees in his post-op patients--26% Who is Dr. Az Hakeem? Dr Az Hakeem is a consultant psychiatrist, medical psychotherapist and a Fellow of the Royal College of...

Chloe Cole Testimony

Chloe Cole Testimony

18-year-old Chloe Cole’s powerful testimony in front of California’s Senate Judiciary Committee, Sept. 1, 2022

The Testosterone Hangover

The Testosterone Hangover

They felt like they’d been rushed through this heavily medicalized funnel when all they really needed was a little time to grow up.

The Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity

The Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity

A multi-disciplinary professional and scientific organization dedicated to: preserving the right of individuals to obtain the services of a therapist who honors their values, advocating for integrity and objectivity in social science research, and ensuring that...

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