These 3 Women Tried Transgenderism, and Then Stopped
The Detransition Diaries: Saving Our Sisters Documentary from CBC Network on Vimeo PRO, September 13, 2022 This documentary unveils the stories of three women who previously identified as transgender in a futile attempt to escape depression and suicidal...
Transgressive | The Cult of Confusion
Cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, disfiguring surgeries. This 2-part documentary on Tucker Carlson Originals (on Fox Nation) clearly shows how young people get pulled into the transgender cult. Powerful insights from doctors, teachers, parents, and...
Dysconnected Documentary
The Real Story Behind the Transgender Explosion Over the past few years, a transgender tsunami has swept the nation, especially among young girls. What is going on? How did it come to this? Who is behind it? Filmmaker and father Don Johnson traveled the country to...