
From others on the journey

Former LGBT activist now helps parents DE-PROGRAM their kids

Former LGBT activist now helps parents DE-PROGRAM their kids

Jan. 13, 2023, Staff at Glenn Beck K. Yang, also known as ‘The Deprogrammer,’ tells Glenn that those best equipped to help others escape cults are the ones who lived inside them themselves. While in her early 20’s, K. Yang worked for an LGBT nonprofit center funded by...

Chloe Cole Testimony

Chloe Cole Testimony

18-year-old Chloe Cole’s powerful testimony in front of California’s Senate Judiciary Committee, Sept. 1, 2022

The Testosterone Hangover

The Testosterone Hangover

They felt like they’d been rushed through this heavily medicalized funnel when all they really needed was a little time to grow up.

Detransition Awareness Day

Detransition Awareness Day

We are detransitioners, supporters, and concerned parents. We’re here to cheer for each other. Our unique health care needs are ignored by the same professionals that were eager to medicalize us. We are not going to hide in the shadows. We deserve ethical medical...

How A 10-Year-Old Girl’s Mom Saved Her From Going Transgender

How A 10-Year-Old Girl’s Mom Saved Her From Going Transgender

With permission, I share a mother’s terrifying experience. Her story illustrates how quickly and easily a ten-year-old girl can be groomed into a cross-sex identity. By Walt Heyer June 30, 2021 from The Federalist.com When I appeared on a Heritage Foundation panel...

Recherche de Témoignages

Recherche de Témoignages

Chère communauté, un media féministe français (presse écrite) est à la recherche de témoignages de personnes ayant initié une détransition. Soit des personnes qui y pensent / aimeraient détransitionner, soit des personnes qui se sont déjà lancées. Les témoignages...

Detransitioners: Stories of Medical Abuse

Detransitioners: Stories of Medical Abuse

by Erin Brewer Trans activists insist that using experimental medical treatments on children with gender dysphoria is appropriate, "life saving" and "medically necessary." It is not. It is medical abuse. The stories of detransitioners are heartbreaking. Many of them...

The Gender Agenda

The Gender Agenda

Documentary by Family Watch International Features detransitioners who resolved their gender dysphoria and  doctors who share the science and medical facts about the harm of transitioning children. Watch video at Family Watch International.

Transgender Clinics Are Ruining Young Lives

Transgender Clinics Are Ruining Young Lives

by Walt Heyer, January 2, 2020, Daily Signal  Three teens who transitioned at age 18 or 19 and who regretted it soon after contacted me for help in going back. They are living proof of that cavalier attitude prevalent among gender clinics. Read their stories here.

27-year-old man regrets having surgery

27-year-old man regrets having surgery

I soon came to the realization that what I have is an open wound, not a vagina. I was blinded by the amount of harmful support that I got. In June 2019, I received this email from a 27-year-old man. He gave permission to share his story here so that it can help...

4 Trans People Beg For Help With Their Gender Identity Crises

4 Trans People Beg For Help With Their Gender Identity Crises

By Walt Heyer at TheFederalist.com, July 8, 2019 These four accounts from trans people show that the transgender-affirming medical establishment is failing at their duty to help people who are hurting. Four troubling stories of reckless treatment, regret, and suicide...

Teenage Max: “I wish I had listened to you”

Teenage Max: “I wish I had listened to you”

Excerpt from Trans Life Survivors by Walt Heyer, pgs. 109-111 Recently an email arrived in my inbox with the subject “I wish I had listened to you” that shows the human casualties from the “grand experiment” on children. Max [not his real name], now in his...

‘I Wanted to Take My Body Off’: Detransitioned | The Atlantic

‘I Wanted to Take My Body Off’: Detransitioned | The Atlantic

In October 2012, Carey Callahan began a course of bimonthly intramuscular testosterone injections. After years of harassment and discomfort in her female body, she had made the decision to transition to being male. In the short term, she was happy. But she soon...

Victory in Jesus

Victory in Jesus

This is from someone who has found victory in the Lord and is willing to share his story: I had irreversible gender reassignment surgery in 1997 absolutely convinced I was a woman in a man's body. I anticipated living happily ever after, however I had persistent...

PTSD from “transition”

PTSD from “transition”

Printed with permission from the author. Name withheld by request. ...honestly I wanted the answer to be so simple and wanted to believe them that soon I would be my true self and my problems would go away. I had lived in so much pain for so long that I was...

3 Weeks Post-Op

3 Weeks Post-Op

From M- I recently had the sex change surgery, and although I thought I was completely sure of what I was doing, I began to regret the decision a mere three weeks after the operation.  Some might say I was experiencing post-op depression, but it was definitely...

TranZformed: Finding Peace with Your God-Given Gender

TranZformed: Finding Peace with Your God-Given Gender

TranZformed: Finding Peace with Your God-Given Gender (Website) This film compellingly features 15 people who detransitioned and now tell their stories. A great film for understanding the many facets of the transgenderism issue. Now free to view at...

I had it all…

I had it all…

I had it all: A loyal, bright and loving wife. A devoted son who is a published and tenured major university professor. Two adorable twin grand-daughters. A successful career as a senior-level marketing consultant earning six figures annually with stock options and a company paid BMW. Self respect earned by serving as a church elder and board member on non-profit boards. Then—in just one year—I lost everything after undergoing a series of irreversible gender reassignment surgeries. So how did I get to where I am today?

After 17 years as a woman, this man has had enough

After 17 years as a woman, this man has had enough

Jeremy Bate was born male, but then transitioned in his mid-30s. Now, 17 years later, he's had enough and has become a man again. From WA Today, By Nathan Hondros December 11, 2018 For the past 17 years, Jeremy Bate has lived as a woman. But now, after hormone therapy...

Everyone’s story is important and vitally needed.

Your unique journey is waiting to be told.